Shef Tips and Tricks: Stepping Through Chef-client Runs With Shef

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Recently, I’ve used Shef, the interactive Chef console, to get to the bottom of some rather tricky problems. In the process, I developed a number of tricks and tools for productively debugging problems using Shef. This is the first in a series of articles I’d like to write on the most useful of these tips.

In this article I will discuss how I use Shef and a handful of additional functions to debug Chef-client runs by stepping through a node’s run list, breaking before or after specific resources in order to inspect the state of the system. Note that this is not intended to be an introduction to Shef. For that, you should head over to the Chef Wiki.


Some of the functions I mention in this article are in the shef/ directory of my knife-hacks repository. If you’d like to use them, you can download this repository from Github:

mkdir ~/src
cd ~/src
git clone git://

To make it easy to include files from this repository inside Shef, you can use the following in the relevant configuration file:

unless defined?(Shef).nil?
  $: << File.expand_path("~/src/knife-hacks/")

All of the examples I will be doing will be on my local workstation. For ease, I have placed this in my knife.rb file, which I will pass to Shef using the -c command line option. However, a similar approach will work within a client.rb for a node or a custom shef.rb file.


Shef is an interactive console for Chef. Essentially, it is IRB with support for recipe and attribute syntax and a number of Chef-relevant functions.

Here’s a typical Shef session that you might find in an introduction to Shef. We add some resources, including a breakpoint resource and start a chef-run.

chef > recipe
chef:recipe > echo off
chef:recipe > log "a"
chef:recipe > breakpoint "STOP"
chef:recipe > log "b"
chef:recipe > run_chef
DEBUG: Processing log[a] on sdanna
INFO:  Processing log[a] action write ((irb#1) line 3)
INFO:  a
DEBUG: Processing [/home/sdanna/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p0/gems/chef-0.10.8/lib/chef/mixin/recipe_definition_dsl_core.rb:61:in `new'] on sdanna
INFO:  Processing [/home/sdanna/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p0/gems/chef-0.10.8/lib/chef/mixin/recipe_definition_dsl_core.rb:61:in `new'] action break ((irb#1) line

The breakpoint stops the chef-client run, allowing you to investigate the state of the system and then resume the run with chef_run.resume

chef:recipe > chef_run.resume
INFO:  Processing log[b] action write ((irb#1) line 6)
INFO:  b

With these basic features, Shef can be great for running quick tests of recipe code. However, it is not immediately clear how you get from here to being able to step through an actual chef-client run. To effectively step through a chef-client run, we need to be able to:

  • Load resources from the recipes in the node’s run_list, and
  • Insert breakpoints between the loaded resources.

The remainder of this article covers how to accomplish these two tasks.

Loading Resources from the RunList

Invoking Shef with the -z argument enables client-mode, forcing it to download the relevant recipes from the node’s run_list just as chef-client would, but it does not processes these recipes and add their resources to the resource collection.

Because Shef’s recipe context allows you to use the recipe DSL, we can add the resources from an individual recipe using the include_recipe function. We can only use include_recipe on recipes that Shef downloaded when we started it up.

chef:recipe > resources
chef:recipe > include_recipe "ssh_known_hosts"
chef:recipe > resources

In order to load all of the recipes we need to iterate over a list of all the recipes in the run_list and call include_recipe on each of them. Since the run_list can contain roles, we also need to ensure we get the expanded run_list. There are a number of ways to get the expanded run_list. Here is one:

node.run_list.expand(node.chef_environment).recipes.each do |r|
  include_recipe r

This simple bit of Ruby is much like the resource compilation phase of a chef-client run. Just as within a chef-client run, you may encounter an error as you try to include the recipes. In a future article, I may discuss better ways to step through this compilation phase.

Since I’d rather not type the above every time I want to debug a chef-client run, I encapsulated this into a function within my ShefExtras library: load_node_run_list.

Inserting Breakpoints between Resources

A large run_list can easily contain hundreds of resources. While we could step through the resources one-by-one, we often want to run through a large number of the resources, and then stop just before a resource that exhibiting some errant behavior.To do this, we need a way to insert breakpoints between the resources we are loading from recipes.

Since “breakpoint” is a fully-fledged Chef resource, we could place the breakpoint resources directly in the relevant recipe. Within a normal chef-client run, the breakpoint resources will have no effect, allowing us to do this without much fear of endangering other nodes using the same recipe.

However, I’ve found that it is more useful to be able to add the breakpoints via Shef, since we will often want to add new breakpoints as we gain new information.

To accomplish this, I’ve created an insert_break function to do just that within my ShefExtras library. Since it is a bit uglier than I would like and depends on mucking about in the depths of Chef’s data structures, I am not going to walk through how the function works. However, here is an example of how to use it:

  • First, we load the ShefExtras library and switch to recipe mode.
chef > echo off
chef > require 'shef/extras'
chef > ShefExtras.load
INFO: ShefExtras loaded!
chef > recipe
  • Next, we load the resources from the recipe in the node’s run list and insert a break point before one of them.
chef:recipe > load_node_run_list
chef:recipe > resources
["log[Please set the set_fqdn attribute to desired hostname]",
chef:recipe > insert_break :before, "template[/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts]"
INFO:  Breakpoint added before template[/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts]
chef:recipe > ordered_resources
=> ["log[Please set the set_fqdn attribute to desired hostname]",
  • Finally, we run chef.
chef:recipe > run_chef
DEBUG: Processing log[Please set the set_fqdn attribute to desired hostname] on sdanna
INFO:  Processing log[Please set the set_fqdn attribute to desired hostname] action write (hostname::default line 64)
WARN:  Please set the set_fqdn attribute to desired hostname
DEBUG: Processing break[break-before-template[/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts]] on sdanna
INFO:  Processing break[break-before-template[/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts]] action break (/home/sdanna/src/knife-hacks/shef/extras.rb line 38)

As you can see, the chef-client run halts before running the template resources. At this point we could investigate elements of the system state that we believe may be having an effect on the template resource. When we are ready to continue, we can call chef_run.resume to continue the run.

In this example, I’ve used three custom functions from the ShefExtras module:

  • load_node_run_list loads the resources from the node’s run list in the same way as we did in the previous section.

  • ordered_resources returns a list of the resources in the order that chef-client would run them.

  • insert_break(preposition, resource) will place a break resource either before or after the given resource.

When Do I Use This

Using these tools to step through the resource list is particularly useful in the following types of situations:

  • The run list contains recipes which are heavily dependent on execute or script resources that may not be behaving as you expect.
  • A recipe makes significant run time modifications of node attributes.
  • A recipe’s behavior non-trivially branches based on pieces of the system’s state that is not easily observed before or after the chef-client run has completed.

While I still prefer to start with reading the relevant recipe and reasoning about what will happen, having the ability to quickly run a portion of the recipe and confirm a hypothesis about the state of the system has proven incredibly valuable.

More to Come

Future articles in this series may cover:

  • Customizing your Shef configuration,
  • Using Shef to make bulk changes to node data,
  • Analyzing API responses using Shef,
  • Running Shef as an inferior process in Emacs, and
  • Debugging errors with resource compilation.
